This morning was great. I had a morning meeting so Mommy took the early shift. Evan was restful and calm with her. Mid morning Dena, a friend of Sharon’s Mom came to visit Evan. Dena is an earthy holistic physical therapist type who exudes calm. She spent quite a while massaging and stretching Evan which worked so well he slept through most of it. After that Evan had a real bath (I’ll post a pic soon) which is also calming for him.
Then my shift started and things changed a bit. The past couple hours were just painful. Nothing I did would calm him. Tried every position in and out of bed but nothing would sooth him. The nurse brought his rescue does of Valium, still no luck. After another hour of tossing and turning she came back with the big guns (chloral hydrate) and now he is out for a while.
This afternoon we had a surprise visit from the best pediatrician west of the Hudson River. Nothing like a Dr. in cowboy boots and a Hawaiian shirt to brighten the day, thanks Dr. Shannon. Also had visits from Grandma & Grandpa (who is 80 years young today) and from family friend Sherri who brought a BIG HUG!